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The software also includes Bland & Altman Description, Passing and Bablok and Deming regression for method comparison studies. The MedCalc ROC module includes comparison of up to 6 ROC curves. MedCalc is the most user-friendly software for Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC curves) analysis. MedCalc is a complete statistical program for Windows designed to closely match the requirements of biomedical researchers. Chlorine concentrations among wo-men players were found higher compared to males during three measurement periods.Free Download MedCalc 22.007 Multilingual Free Download | 55.8 Mb The reason why potassium level dropped very soon after training among both genders wasnot found out. It is predicted that there was a decli-ne in the level of parathyroid hormone so in calcium level after moderate-intensity exercise among men players. Conclusion: It is thought that decreased levels of magnesium among men and women players re-sulted from the supplementing of erythrocytes with magnesium to use during exercise and from the uri-nary excretion. P < 0.05 was considered as statisti-cally significant. Regarding sodium aand chlorine levels, there was no statistically significant difference among both genders. Potassium level reduced among men and women players very soon after training however one hour later it reached the for-mer level before training among women players and a higher level than the level before training among males. Magnesium le-vel dropped one hour after training among both men and women players.

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Results: Calcium level among men players decreased one hour after training, yet there was no difference among females. Macro-elements were determined using plasma emission spectroscopy methods. Method: Blood samples belonging to 18 men and 13 women field hockey players (mean age 19,7) were taken before training, immediately after training and one hour after training. Purpose: This research attempts to find out the changes in the calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and chlorine levels among elite men and women field hockey players before maximal ae-robic training, immediately after training and one hour after training and to compare serum macro-element concentrations by gender.

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